1:1 Astrology Readings
These live, Zoom sessions {or IRL if possible), also include a custom made True Sky Natal Chart, comprehensive write-up with astronomy visuals + resources and video recording. These items are sent for integration after your live reading is complete. Honored to bring clarifying support through our evolutionary process. Challenging, yet exciting times! I will send you more information upon booking. Ready for a cellular activation of your galactic remembrance?
True Sky Blueprint
Natal Chart
This is an initial, personal natal chart and soul-in-body consultation. We will focus on the true, primordial coordinates of your birth chart’s astronomy. This session opens transcendence beyond the frozen bubble of the western astrology zodiac wheel, trauma loops and timeline. A true sky lens is the current and accurate astronomy of your soul’s blueprint in this incarnation. It offers access to the rainbow bridge of liberation, out of karmic cycles! The celestial energies of your authentic, healed path and soul evolution while in this life, will be uncovered. We will also take a look at other soul streams in neighboring star systems that are connected to this incarnation. The cosmic consciousness brought to your cellular awareness in this session, will open doors to your embodied dreams and purest timeline (lifeline). Energetic paths open out of the reincarnation, samsara cycles, as well as the worker-bee conditioning! After the live session, the custom designed natal chart and thorough write-up serve as support for alchemy and integration. You are meant to take time and space with the write-up and refer back to it as you are called to do so. The galactic lens unlocked within the reading guides the cells to integrate an ancient-nu awareness. Cheers to healing our physical vessels and liberating our collective human will - one, remembering heart field at a time!
Soul Purpose Bloom {Part 1}
Natal + Synastry Charts
Part 1 - Through a soul purpose lens, we will take what you feel is a specified birth time and place of your life’s mission. We usually know and remember exactly where we were during those powerful moments! This is to generate a natal chart blueprint of your soul’s purpose. A seed point and/or further unfurling of your mission work here, depending on where you are at in anchoring this. There are numerous, layered moments for when the purpose work comes forth in our awareness. It’s a birthing process we undergo. For this reading, you will choose one or two pivot moments and through synastry charts - we will compare it to your personal natal chart. When and where did your soul's passion project and/or entrepreneurship birth? Move forward in a huge way? The layered, natal charts will exhibit powerful aspect portals and therefore energies blooming for mission activation, alchemical integration and steps. Through direct channeling, the tools of intuitive, True Sky Astrology and Transcendence Map Oracle Cards - we will demystify and support the pure expression of your mission's blossoming trajectory. We will analyze and synthesize through astrological decodes and how the energy hits the physical density and guides your life choices & experience. You will discover many truths that will further clarify your purpose here and movement forward. This is part 1 - a foundation of the flowering pattern. Then, for part 2 we will look at specific, future transits as well as how and when they hit the Earth plane. All to bring forth deeper processing for your mission work bloom.
*You can choose to only do part 1 and then after the reading, see if it resonates to do part 2. They are booked separately. Do what feels right for you!
($455 total for Part 1 +2)
Soul Purpose Bloom {Part 2}
Transit, Synastry Charts + Astrocartography
Part 2 - This is an advanced, astrological soul purpose session. We will take what was discovered in part 1 of the foundational, synastry reading and expand upon it. This part will be similar to a transit reading, while continuing to utilize your natal chart - in conjunction with your soul purpose blueprint charts. There is a significant astrocartography component woven through the reading too. The true, opening magnetic grid of the Earth holds keys for your mission. As your star-heart-field also holds detox keys to open her evolutionary process. As we know and are learning more in each moment, we are in such a beautiful, symbiotic relationship with her. This exchange can be seen in our mission work bloom and how it interacts with portal and ley lines on the Earth. Through direct channeling and the tools of intuitive, True Sky Astrology and Transcendence Map Oracle Cards - we will continue to more profoundly uncover and empower the pure expression of your mission's bloom-trajectory. We will analyze and synthesize through astrocartography of how and where your purpose work energy hits the physical density. This will be done for a specific, future transit window. You can choose a section of time you’d like to take a look at. It can be very specific, or the next six months, the year ahead or open to many years ahead. What choice can you make and where can you go to unlock these unfurling, soul mission codes?
($455 total for Part 1 +2)
Tropical > True Sky Blueprint
Natal Chart
This is an initial, personal natal chart and soul-in-body consultation. A transitory reading from the common, zodiac wheel of Tropical Astrology to cosmic, free-flowing magnitude! Activate, heal and transcend through your own, opening awareness of your soul’s primordial blueprint! The celestial energies of your true path and evolution will be uncovered. You will discover many truths that will open a portal to your natural gifts, lessons and self love. Through direct channeling, the tools of intuitive astrology and Transcendence Map Oracle Cards- we will demystify and support the authentic expression of your life's trajectory and empowerment. The cosmic consciousness brought to your cellular awareness in this session, will open doors to your embodied dreams and purest timeline (lifeline). After the live session, the custom designed natal chart and thorough write-up serve as support for alchemy and integration. You are meant to take time and space with the write-up and refer back to it as you are called to do so. The galactic lens unlocked within the reading guides the cells to integrate an ancient-nu awareness. Cheers to healing our physical vessels and liberating our collective human will - one, remembering heart field at a time!
Synastry or Composite Chart
A personal relationship reading! Are you curious about the deeper, energetic correspondence between you and a partner, family member, friend or potential (or even past) love connection? What happened? Why? What are the future potentials? How could you navigate this relationship from a new perception? For this reading you can choose between a synastry or composite chart consultation. Synastry charts are a side-by-side interaction and exchange of the energies. A composite chart generates a merged, energy blueprint between to souls. This session serves as an analysis and revelation of the joint, cosmic energies in a potent exchange. Two blueprints and their precise reflections to one another! What are you learning? Alchemizing and metabolizing through this relationship? The reading will focus on the reciprocity of your two souls and the evolutionary process they are going through- separate and together. Regardless of the type of relationship, each connection holds the power of two paths that interact, catalyze and birth as unification! You will discover dimensional truths and experiential clarity based on the interaction of your two, individual blueprints.
Year Ahead
Transit + Synastry Charts
Activate, heal and transcend through your own, opening awareness of what is to come this year! This is an astrological reading of the transits for the coming cycle. You will be able to further clarify your soul’s authentic path. One will learn how to move through energies of the year with more ease and clarity. When and why are specific rhythms and life experiences happening? Through direct channeling, the tools of intuitive, True Sky Astrology and Transcendence Map Oracle Cards- we will demystify and support the pure expression of your trajectory (natal chart) through these activating transits. As the celestial gears continue to move us in the the ancient-nu energy of the Aquarian Age, much is stimulated for purging, transmutation and massive change. It can be disorienting and challenging to our old conditioning. This reading is designed to empower you through the alchemical process and offer you clarity and navigation tools as this occurs. You will discover many truths that will open a portal to your deepest lessons, natural gifts and purest time-space-line in this incarnation. We will dive into the transits specifically from the coming equinox to equinox year or the next solstice to solstice year. As these are nature's reset points. We will see which coming energies will be significant in your life experience! Curious about what to expect? And when?
Gridwork + Transit Portal
Astrocartography + Soul Purpose
This is a personal astrocartography and activation transit reading. We will take a look at your natal chart astrocartography and pin point powerful portals on the Earth’s grid- specific to your blueprint. Each portal will stimulate different components of your path for alchemy and liberation. If you want to purge and heal from childhood wounds, or activate an opening to your true mission work and purpose... there will be auspicious places and times for each facet of your journey. This guidance also co-creates with Earth-Gaia-Tara and her true, magnetic ley lines + centers. As you are guided to travel to specific parts of the grid during certain transits (time periods), you both open each other to the multidimensional frequencies streaming in. Your opening heart field co-alchemizes with Tara's opening field. We are supporting each other's in-body ascension! Where are you being intuitively guided to travel and/or live? Why? Curious about when certain spots will be most auspicious for you to go and interact? Let's take a look and deep dive into your personal gridwork and remembrance!
Package 1
Blueprint + Any Other Reading
Natal Chart +
$435 total (saves $40)
Blueprint + Any Other Reading
$435 total (saves $40)
When you book this package, it will activate the first component - the initial True Sky Blueprint Reading. We will schedule this session first. Then, a few weeks after the blueprint reading is complete, we will schedule the second reading of your choice. Some integration time and space after the first blueprint deep dive is often beneficial before continuing with more advanced readings.
True Sky Blueprint Reading -
This is an initial, personal natal chart and soul-in-body consultation. We will focus on the true, primordial coordinates of your birth chart’s astronomy. This session opens transcendence beyond the frozen bubble of the western astrology zodiac wheel, trauma loops and timeline. A true sky lens is the current and accurate astronomy of your soul’s blueprint in this incarnation. It offers access to the rainbow bridge of liberation, out of karmic cycles! The celestial energies of your authentic, healed path and soul evolution while in this life, will be uncovered. We will also take a look at other soul streams in neighboring star systems that are connected to this incarnation. The cosmic consciousness brought to your cellular awareness in this session, will open doors to your embodied dreams and purest timeline (lifeline). Energetic paths open out of the reincarnation, samsara cycles, as well as the worker-bee conditioning! After the live session, the custom designed natal chart and thorough write-up serve as support for alchemy and integration. You are meant to take time and space with the write-up and refer back to it as you are called to do so. The galactic lens unlocked within the reading guides the cells to integrate an ancient-nu awareness. Cheers to healing our physical vessels and liberating our collective human will - one, remembering heart field at a time!
Options for 2nd Reading:
Year Ahead
Soul Purpose Bloom {Part 1}
Gridwork + Transit Portal
Follow Up Session
Chart of Initial Reading
This session is for after an initial reading and taking a bit of time-space to read the write up, feel into things and metabolize the energies. If you have any additional inquiries, thoughts, feelings and/or insights you'd like to share, the follow up is great for that. It also serves to reconnect and revisit the analysis of your reading on a more profound, integrated level. We will expand on some of the energies and astrological placements as we dive a bit deeper.
Stars - Art - Words Coaching Session
Natal Chart + Coaching Exercises
Feeling the call for a bit of extra support during a challenging window of energies? Can you feel the shifts occurring within your journey, but are having trouble with accessing clarity? Do you enjoy visual arts and/or creative writing as channeling and processing tools? Going through a deep, dark night of the soul? We have all been there and the shadow work is a lot sometimes. This intimate, 1:1 session offers remembrance and empowerment through these gateways. Or - if you are simply feeling the call to work together more intimately, let’s do it! Through art and writing ritual exercises we will open up subconscious energies to bring to the fully perceived awareness. True Sky Astrology and oracle cards will also be utilized to offer activation and guidance. These coaching sessions are individually tailored, so feel free to communicate any personal inclinations, as you are the driver on your path! I’m here to help you decode your own map.