Erin Schuetz
Erin moves through this life as an activator and weaver of love-power remembrance. The intention of each, magnetic step is to support the liberation of our true human will. This is a moment-to-moment craft merging with the divine will. Everyday is a co-cre-at-ION with natural law. She is an astrologer, primordial oracle, artist, author, cartographer and advocate. As a visual arts teacher for 13 years, her innate drive to catalyze intuitive sol-intelligence and creative faculties within others, has been a long standing approach. She is excited to offer the tools and techniques that have been purifying, opening, grounding and healing along her journey.
Key components of Erin’s current mission:
Reunite Astronomy and Astrology- thru drafting our authentic, primordial relationship with the accurate, celestial architecture and natural cycles
Symbiotic Gridwork with Tara (Earth)- during guided transits, Erin travels to the planet’s magnetic portals and leylines; honoring + activating each other’s heart fields in order to burst forth in purity for the coming age; she is composing ancient-nu cartography and alchemical navigation tools while doing so
Write and illustrate supportive, activating + alchemizing oracle decks and books!
Erin is also a children's book illustrator, metalsmith, snowboarder, traveler, sailor, painter, record collector, hiker, biker, gardener and herbalist. With the aligned team, she plans to open Aquarian Age learning laboratories for children (freedom "schools").