Erin Schuetz

Erin moves through this life as an activator and weaver of love-power remembrance. The intention of each, magnetic step is to support the liberation of our true human will. This is a moment-to-moment craft merging with the divine will. Everyday is a co-cre-at-ION with natural law. She is an astrologer, primordial oracle, artist, author, cartographer and advocate. As a visual arts teacher for 13 years, her innate drive to catalyze intuitive sol-intelligence and creative faculties within others, has been a long standing approach. She is excited to offer the tools and techniques that have been purifying, opening, grounding and healing along her journey.

Key components of Erin’s current mission:

  • Reunite Astronomy and Astrology- thru drafting our authentic, primordial relationship with the accurate, celestial architecture and natural cycles

  • Symbiotic Gridwork with Tara (Earth)- during guided transits, Erin travels to the planet’s magnetic portals and leylines; honoring + activating each other’s heart fields in order to burst forth in purity for the coming age; she is composing ancient-nu cartography and alchemical navigation tools while doing so

  • Write and illustrate supportive, activating + alchemizing oracle decks and books!

Erin is also a children's book illustrator, metalsmith, snowboarder, traveler, sailor, painter, record collector, hiker, biker, gardener and herbalist. With the aligned team, she plans to open Aquarian Age learning laboratories for children (freedom "schools").

Activation and Deeper Awareness for Your Inward Path