Record Vault
What’s an Athenæum?
An arts + sciences organization for the advancement of learning.
A structure for housing and promoting literary records.
How can we remember our creative-power?
The Athenaeum was a school {ludus} founded by the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117 - 138 CE), for the promotion of literary and scientific studies {ingenuarum artium}. The name "Athenaeum" honors the Goddess Athena and came from the city of Athens, which was still regarded as the seat of intellectual refinement, within the period it was built.
The Latin term Athenaeum is widely used for schools, libraries, museums, cultural centers, theatres, periodicals, clubs and societies – all aspiring to fulfill a cultural function similar to that of the Ancient Roman school.
I was called to use the term athenaeum for many reasons, that are continuing to reveal themselves. One significant facet to note- is that we are beginning to move back through the energies from Roman timelines. A lot of collective patterns that were installed during this era, are coming up for metamorphosis. I actually don’t feel that the gnosis of this time period is very enlightened, perhaps quite rudimentary. In order to alchemize the institutional schools of thought through many timelines, we must observe, embrace and reweave their very essence. We are bringing primordial, cosmic law back through it all!
“My reading with Erin was so special. My body, my mind and my energy basically shifted overnight.”
“My reading with Erin was so special. My body, my mind and my energy basically shifted overnight.”
“I tangibly feel the energetic shifts throughout each reading + leave the experience with an even more open heartspace.”
“I tangibly feel the energetic shifts throughout each reading + leave the experience with an even more open heartspace.”
“Not only did it help me to untangle the difficult lessons lived in my past, but it also gifted me the ability to see the bigger picture within these trials.”
“Not only did it help me to untangle the difficult lessons lived in my past, but it also gifted me the ability to see the bigger picture within these trials.”
Book a 1:1 Reading
These live, Zoom sessions {or IRL if possible), also include a custom made True Sky Natal Chart, comprehensive write-up with astronomy visuals + resources and video recording. These items are sent for integration after your live reading is complete. Honored to bring clarifying support through our evolutionary process. Challenging, yet exciting times! Ready for a cellular activation of your galactic remembrance?
Join a Lab or Workshop
These are small group, Zoom sessions. Through differing approaches- the overall goal of each lab or workshop is to further incite our individual and collective, alchemical healing and soul-in-body remembrance.
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Sacred Scribe Publishing
Contact Erin
Questions about a reading, laboratory or workshop? Want to sell Transcendence Map Oracle Deck in your shop? Curious to explore a collaboration?
Feel free to reach out. I look forward to connecting!